A wicker basket is eco-friendly and stylish. Try incorporating a basket in one of these ways so that in addition to beauty and coziness, the accessory is also functional.
1 Use for serving.
If you have a shallow, flat basket, you can use it instead of a tray. You can’t put snacks on it, but you can serve baked goods or fresh bread.
2 Keep things in the hallway
Putting a couple of baskets for accessories like hats, scarves and gloves is possible even in a small hallway. And if you have a shelving unit, baskets can be used similar to drawers and store everything in them at all.
3 Arrange culinary accessories
Rails are a godsend for the organized person, because on them you can store a lot of different stuff, which usually “eats up” all the space of the cabinet. And in order not to create visual noise, you can hang beautiful jars or, alternatively, mini baskets.
4 Create a craft box
If you knit and sew, it’s very convenient to keep threads and accessories for your hobby in a basket. Even if you are not related to these activities, such a basket can be organized in case of an unexpected repair of clothes and put there thread of basic colors, needles, thimble, buttons of different sizes.

5 To use instead of an umbrella stand
In a basket made of natural rods, sensitive to moisture, it is best to stack umbrellas that have already dried.
6 Store Books.
A wonderful and very cozy alternative to a regular shelving unit or massive closet is books in a basket. This is ideal for those who have a small library or who change books frequently.
7 Stack paper and other office junk
What do you store dry junk in the workplace? Instead of a bucket, a small wicker basket is great. It is not good for kitchen scraps, but it is good for office supplies. And, importantly, with such a wastebasket, your interior will be fully thought out.
8 Sort the supplies in the bathroom
Wicker baskets are convenient for storing toilet paper, tissues, wet towels, a spare container of laundry detergent, soap and so on. This method is convenient because if you need to get something out of the depths, you don’t have to wade through the rest of your supplies, pull out the basket and everything is at your fingertips.
9 Plant flowers.
Indoor plants and wicker baskets are made for each other. You can’t pour earth into the basket itself, of course, but it’s perfectly fine to use as an extra “decorative” cachet to put an unattractive but practical pot inside.
10 Stack toys
The order in the nursery is not as difficult to organize as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to stock up on containers for sorting toys by topic. A wicker basket is just perfect for this purpose.
11 Replace the breadbox
You can replace your old breadbox with a regular wicker basket. Choose the most compact size and feel free to use it. The material is natural, the walls breathe, and it looks very attractive, reminiscent of fresh country bread from the oven.
12 Organize textile storage in the bedroom
A large wicker basket in the corner of your bedroom is perfect for throwing in a few plaids or extra decorative pillows.
13 Arrange cutlery.
You can put forks and spoons in mini baskets not only for holiday serving, but you can also use this method for everyday cutlery organization.
14 Use as a laundry basket
In the bathroom, the basket can be used to store dry towels or instead of a basket for dirty laundry.